Cause: Wanting to eat enough to feed a family of four for under five dollars.
Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, entertaining the thought of doing one of those juice cleanses.
Cures: Water, exercise, not eating again until lunch the next day.
Symptoms: Fatigue, sensitivity to noises that give away major plot points, wishing dramatic music played when you stared at someone from afar.
Cures: Spoilers, the beginning of the second season, IMDb bios of the actors you thought you liked or were the same age as.
Symptoms: Euphoric soreness, typical soreness, buying a new wardrobe comprised of sweat-wicking fabrics, financial soreness.
Cures: Bragging about it on Facebook, learning to love your body the way it is, “pulling a sitcom” and marrying someone way out of your league.
Symptoms: Somehow, waking up even more tired than usual, prolonged grogginess, sensitivity to light, not being able to talk about anything that happened last night.
Cures: Coffee, “hair of the dog.”
Symptoms: Headache, blurred vision, sore throat from trying to explain to your father how game design is an art form.
Cures: Energy drinks, the Internet.
Symptoms: Dry mouth, fleeting paranoia, feeling pretty all right.
Cures: Whatever.
Symptoms: Sunburn, jet lag, forced accent that might be interpreted as slurred speech.
Cures: Anything that isn’t going in on a timeshare.
Symptoms: Hating your friends, hating people who aren’t your friends, simultaneously hating yourself and feeling superior to everyone.
Cures: Blackmail, revenge.
Symptoms: The regret of telling a stranger your entire life story, chills from not getting to use enough of the blanket, and, in extreme cases, happiness.
Cures: Googling their name, Seeing them in daylight, being yourself.
Symptoms: Wrist pain, heart palpitations, hallucinations involving font and margin size.
Cures: Saying you “totally failed,” handing it in.
Symptoms: Pencil sticking to forehead, confidence that you’ll get a good grade, uncertainty that you won’t jump off of a bridge if you don’t do well on the test.
Cures: Saying you “totally failed,” doing things that will lead to an actual hangover.
Symptoms: Changing out of sweatpants, picking stuff up off the floor that you were too tired or nauseous to put away the day before, having a ton of work to do.
Cures: Never drinking again/death.
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